
Welcome To A TWurlED World

Let's explore odd moments in the history of computing when events, people, ideas, and technology collided to eventually redirect our network-driven daily lives. We will ask "what if?" and "why?" regarding technologies you may have forgotten or never heard about. Suggested exercises may improve your Internet strategies. This blog welcomes your questions, corrections, observations, and … Continue reading Welcome To A TWurlED World


Improving Search with the Controversy Discovery Engine

<h2>Better Search Is Deep and Dark.</h2> Could a web search be more productive by confronting a nasty fact or controversy? People don't agree about very much. Wouldn't it be odd if we could use disagreement as a factor in searching when we need details about a topic? This post offers a simple HTML hack that … Continue reading Improving Search with the Controversy Discovery Engine

Loose Links” Scramble Thoughts

Have you ever articulated how you perform web research? This article focuses on how we might use, or mis-use, hyperlinks as we collect pages relevant to a topic of interest. We begin an exercise to explore "exponential growth" and its applications in viruses. Vannevar Bush's Memex Organizes Web Research. A key concept of the Internet-based … Continue reading Loose Links” Scramble Thoughts

Sputnik 1 Launched A STEM Generation

Sputnik 1 Launched A STEM Generation. October 1957, "The Sputnik Moment", marks the pivotal year in careers of many contemporary Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics professionals. Educational opportunities abounded for first generation college students under federal grants and scholarships. I am one such Sputnik beneficiary! Losing prestige to the Russians wasn't newsworthy without television in … Continue reading Sputnik 1 Launched A STEM Generation